38 Super Vs 45

That is to say, 38 Special bullets travel 1 times the speed of a 737 airplane at cruising speed, while 45 Auto ACP bullets travel 11 times that same speed Various calibers Energy Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a 38 Special round averages out to 240 ftlb, while a 45 Auto ACP round averages out to about 400 ftlb.

38 Super Wikipedia

38 super vs 45. It’s hard to decide the winner between the 38 Super vs 38 Special since there is a diversity of personal preferences and people tastes Even the application of the cartridges is not exactly similar The 38 Super is often used in pistols while the 38 Special is commonly employed in revolvers. I am a big fan of the 45 Super cartrige I first ran across it in Dean Grinell's book "The Book of the 45" The concept is simple take the 45 acp and update it to modern ballistics by giving it thicker brass to withstand higher pressures This is the same basic process used to upgrade the 38 acp to the 38 Super cartridge. Find your best price for 38 Super Auto Ammo Best 38 Super Auto Ammunition AmmoSeekcom Search Engine 21.

I have both 45's and 38 supers it is fun to shoot it is like a 9mm on steroids really fast round i have a colt 3rd model circa 1950 in 38 super for sale in the want ads section doesn't have the stopping power of the 45 but it can be made to really sing in velocity. Give me your address and I'll go blast a couple of hundred rounds of 38 Super then send you the brass A man should not be denied of 38 Super goodness, especially if he's going to reload As far as why 38 Super, it's because the round is groovy, highly accurate and out of the ordinary Everybody has a 45 for heaven's sake It's done to death. Well you would be in ESP (Enhanced Service Pistol) if you went with 38 Super and will have 11 in the first mag and 10 in the rest You will be in CDP (Custom Defense Pistol) if you went with the 45 ACP CDP is 45 only and can only have 9 in the gun with 8 rounds in the rest of the mag's You will have less muzzle flip with a 38 Super then a 45 ACP.

This Colt was produced in 1953 The pistol's serial number is 1059 This Colt has the early post war 5 Inch 38 Super barrel When production resumed in 1947 for the 38 Super, Colt used 45 ACP Click for more info. The 45 has greater impact energy because it is larger bullet Unfortunately, it also has greater recoil when fired The 38 is a good round because it has lower recoil making it easier to shoot It also is smaller, making weapons that use it smaller than most 45's However, the 38 has never been able to be effectively used in an automatic pistol. The relatively mild recoil of the 38 Super and the 9mm resulted in a perfect matchup with fully checkered panels of exotic woods while the heavier recoiling 45 and 10mm were fitted with traditional panels with less checkering, making them easy on the shooting hand.

Make sure the store keep your private information private before you buy Colt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 Make sure you can proceed credit card online to buyColt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 and also the store protects your information from fraudulents Make sure the customer support is often there to aid you when you place Colt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 order with them Colt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 BY Colt 1911 38 Super. A byproduct of that was the generation of a lot of gas, and even though the recoil with a 38 Super P loaded to major was about the same as a 45 ACP, pistols equipped with compensators. For example, a Model 1911 magazine holds eight 45 ACP cartridges, nine 10mm Auto cartridges, and 10 38 Super cartridges The 38 Super feeds reliably Its 1280inch length has a big part in this because of the angles at which long rounds feed compared to short rounds in the same gun design.

Since 45 Super uses the same 452in projectiles as 45 ACP and 45 Colt, a 185grain projectile is more common for that chambering A 185grain 45 Super usually does basically the same;. Pistols in 38 Super, though, held two more rounds than the 45 which meant fewer reloads per stage in a match The top pros soon switched, and the 38 Super returned Competitive pressure in IPSC drove gun smiths to rechamber pistols with highcapacity, double stack magazines for 38 Super, but the cartridge’s semirim creates feed problems in these guns. There's no "resale" discount with 9mm over 45, maybe 38 super has a "slight" resale premium For mostly range why throw more expensive 45 acp and 38 super at paper, 9mm is perfect for this application Lastly, the stigma that 9mm's don't function as well is hogwash Conclusion, go 9mm.

A38 super is a "long" autopistol cartridge, like45 ACP or 10mm In some guns designed around a "long" cartridge, the38 super will be easier to make run reliably 2 More room for powder. As the38 Super runs at a higher chamber pressure than the45 ACP, a compensator will have more recoilreduction effect The comeback began in the early 1980s, when Robbie Leatham and Brian Enos began experimenting with, and competing with,38 Super pistols in IPSC At the time, singlestack 1911s in45 ACP were dominant. By Chuck Hawks In order to hit a distant target a handgun must be correctly sightedin, and to accomplish that the shooter must have some working knowledge of the bullet's trajectory.

1300 fps and just under 700 ftlbs of energy However, 45 Super generates chamber pressures more like 28,000 psi. There has been an ongoing debate on multiple firearm forums and shooters circles on the 38 Super vs 38 Special topic Different shooters and firearms experts have aired their opinions and views regarding the use of the two rounds and their applications However, most people still find themselves at crossroads. In this case, the 45 ACP has a muzzle speed of 1,100 fps, while 38 Super has a muzzle speed of 1,215 fps The gap is narrowed, but the 38 Super still wins Comparing speeds is difficult, as many manufacturers don’t create 45 ACP and 38 Super products that align perfectly.

The 38 Super was as close to ideal for bringing these boys to earth as the ballistics of the era permitted, and it is even said by some that no less a mankiller than Frank Hamer carried one in. We HIGHLY recommend contacting your FFL before placing your order Due to recent events it could be possible they are delayed, closed or not accepting transfers. The Washington Post Sports section provides sports news, video, scores, analysis and updates about high school, college, and pro sports teams, including the Capitals, Nationals, Redskins, United.

For example, a Model 1911 magazine holds eight 45 ACP cartridges, nine 10mm Auto cartridges, and 10 38 Super cartridges The 38 Super feeds reliably Its 1280inch length has a big part in this because of the angles at which long rounds feed compared to short rounds in the same gun design. Pistols in 38 Super, though, held two more rounds than the 45 which meant fewer reloads per stage in a match The top pros soon switched, and the 38 Super returned Competitive pressure in IPSC drove gun smiths to rechamber pistols with highcapacity, double stack magazines for 38 Super, but the cartridge’s semirim creates feed problems in these guns. We HIGHLY recommend contacting your FFL before placing your order Due to recent events it could be possible they are delayed, closed or not accepting transfers.

NOTICE Placing an order for item(s) that require an FFL transfer?. John Browning designed two cartridges in 38 caliber in the early 1900’s One was the 380 automatic Colt pistol (380 ACP) which we also know as 9mm Kurz, and the other was 38 automatic Colt pistol (38 ACP) These were early, lower powered roun. Please check out and support the people who help.

Rather than the perpetual 9mm vs45 ACP debates and questions The general consensus seems to be that the38 Super is a more potent round than the 9x19mm, 9mm Luger, 9mm Parabellum,, or whatever moniker is being used for our current military pistol round I think it's a pretty interesting question and one that. Buy 38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp 38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp Reviews You want to buy 38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp Get Cheap 38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp at best online store now!!. The 45 ACP boasts greater stopping power, while the 38 Super wins in terms of accuracy Selfdefense situations nearly only occur when an attacker is very close to their intended victim, though It is unlikely you will ever need to dispatch of a mugger several dozen yards away.

38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp BY 38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp in Articles 38 Super Vs 9mm Vs 45 Acp is the most popular commodities presented the foregoing few days. 9mm vs 38 Special – Conceal and Carry A great number of you reading this might be considering a conceal and carry weapon Plus, you might not have made your mind up about whether to get a pistol or revolver Well, we argue that the 38 Special is still a super relevant caliber today And, this is mainly due to the type of guns that chamber it. Typical45 ACP’s and38 Specials were heavy, slow moving bullets, but the 38 super auto was smaller and traveled at a much quicker speed It could penetrate through ballistic vests and cars, so.

About 38 Super, as it contains more powder than the 9x19mm round, its kick a bit harder in most cases Nonetheless, the recoil of the Colt cartridge is still more controllable than 45 ACP so with some training, you could master 38 Super without having much difficulty. I have both 45's and 38 supers it is fun to shoot it is like a 9mm on steroids really fast round i have a colt 3rd model circa 1950 in 38 super for sale in the want ads section doesn't have the stopping power of the 45 but it can be made to really sing in velocity. 38 Super, 9mm, 45 ACP & 10mm The 1911 is still number one when it comes to fullsized semiautomatic pistols;.

The 38 Super was as close to ideal for bringing these boys to earth as the ballistics of the era permitted, and it is even said by some that no less a mankiller than Frank Hamer carried one in. Make sure the store keep your private information private before you buy Colt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 Make sure you can proceed credit card online to buyColt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 and also the store protects your information from fraudulents Make sure the customer support is often there to aid you when you place Colt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 order with them Colt 1911 38 Super Vs 45 BY Colt 1911 38 Super. NOTICE Placing an order for item(s) that require an FFL transfer?.

The38 Super was one of the first handgun cartridges that relied on velocity, rather than size, to get results 5 ACP will work against vulnerable, squishy targets like the enemies of the US military, but it’s not known for its penetrating power. Then 38 Super be good Back to Coronach back in the 80's, my favorite, ideal handgun was the Colt Combat Commander in 38 Super Nine shots of 357 Magnum oomph in the sweet, sleek concealment platform with a full Guv'mint grip. That is to say, 38 Special bullets travel 1 times the speed of a 737 airplane at cruising speed, while 45 Auto ACP bullets travel 11 times that same speed Various calibers Energy Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a 38 Special round averages out to 240 ftlb, while a 45 Auto ACP round averages out to about 400 ftlb.

The number one supplier of 1911s today, in a market with over 50 manufacturers of 1911s, is Kimber. Shooting and Showing A new Colt 1911 chambered in 38 Super!. The38 Super is a fantastic cartridge for the defensive handgun—especially if you’re looking for a handgun with more power than a 9mm and a higher capacity than a45 Auto Colt, Rock Island, EAA and Llama all offer pistols chambered in38 Super, as do many custom 1911 builders (such as Les Baer).

45 ACP vs 38 Super In the 1980s the 38 Super started becoming increasingly popular among competitive shooters This was due to its somewhat better accuracy than that of the 45 ACP The 38 Super’s significantly lighter bullet produces more manageable recoil as well. Having much more controllable recoil compare to the45 ACP, the38 Super is a favorite caliber for competitive shootings A combination of a lightweight bullet and compensator greatly reduces the recoil This helps the shooter deliver followup shots accurately. 45 Super Results in fps45 Super and 450 SMC (Short Magnum Cartridge) are two relatively recent variations on the classic 45 ACP cartridge They were designed to gain more power from the cartridge than it was originally designed to produce, using modern smokeless powder and more robust case specifications.

As the 38 Super runs at a higher chamber pressure than the 45 ACP, a compensator will have more recoilreduction effect The comeback began in the early 1980s, when Robbie Leatham and Brian Enos began experimenting with, and competing with, 38 Super pistols in IPSC. There has been an ongoing debate on multiple firearm forums and shooters circles on the 38 Super vs 38 Special topic Different shooters and firearms experts have aired their opinions and views regarding the use of the two rounds and their applications However, most people still find themselves at crossroads.

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